
the last blogaversary giveaway winners

I'm home, the babe is bathed and in bed, and I'm ready to choose some winners! Thanks so much for the stories - I enjoyed reading them.

The local winner of the stainless steel kitchen organizer thingy is Ingrid, who found an ulu (an ulu!) at an almost-yard-sale. That's definitely an odd find.

And the non-local winner of three bars of soap made by moi is TC who wrote the funniest 'heard' comment:

"From someone (namely myself) who values books too highly, and obviously spends too much time reading them rather than working on his math skills.

SIGN: All books one dollar.
TC (with four books in hand): Will you take five dollars?

My bartering skills get rusty over the winter."

I'll get your prizes to you nifty winners post-haste - TC, please e-mail me with the types of soap you'd prefer. Thanks to everyone, and have a fine weekend!

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Thanks so much for your comments - I read and appreciate each one! Sorry about the word verification - the spammers found me and it became necessary. Thanks for taking the time to comment!