

It was a busy day for appointments! I saw the optometrist first thing this morning, had a regular clinic check up later in the morning, and a follow-up ultrasound this afternoon.

My clinic appointment was good - I got to meet another one of the doctors, and he was really nice. It was very relaxed and I was very comfortable asking questions, so that was good. The baby's heart rate was 140, and the doctor said that I'm measuring a bit large, but not hugely so. My blood pressure and everything are still fine, which is nice. He couldn't tell which position the baby was in by prodding around, and said that we would see from this afternoon's ultrasound about the position and exact measurements. So...

I then had a follow-up ultrasound this afternoon to check baby G's status, and s/he is still reclining comfortably in there, in no namable position. Not breech, not oblique, not transverse or any of the other named positions. The ultrasound technician was really nice and kind enough to answer my questions, but it was a little disappointing because Adam wasn't allowed in, and there were no pictures this time. Those 'bonuses' are only for the standard 20 week ultrasound. The baby's big enough now that any pictures would only be of one baby G part at a time, and it mostly looked like blobs on the screen - I saw a nice round head shaped blob! I'm not sure if the clinic will want another u/s closer to the birth... I'm assuming they will let me know at my next appointment.

Keep on growing, little one!

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